Musings on a Tuesday.

 I found a note I'd written on the way home from work last June.  June 10, 2014, if we're dealing with precision here. It was titled Musings on a Tuesday, and it contained nothing much of importance.

I wrote about the new shoes I ordered online being too big, as they always are. About how I wanted to have more developed and informed political convictions; about the Native American man strumming his guitar in the metro station; about the route I had worn into the escalator from the daily commuting routine.

And, as far as I'm concerned, that's a summary of June.

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// discovering my new favorite cookie shop on M street
// Georgetown is always a stunner.

June was Sundays at the Smithsonians, like the Freer Gallery. MAJOR SWOON.
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June was massive Asian karaoke meet ups, crepes before work, and Old Town Alexandria.  JUNE WAS FRIENDS, people.  Don't you just want friends in June?
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June: food edition.

//Indian spice during guys' night
// 2a.m. Ben + Jerry's slash OJ runs
// eating fried rice out of a pineapple, because JUNE!
// bonus:  store bought sushi because being recently graduated is #glam

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Because June is when I realized I could fall in love with a city.
And that that may be just as important as loving a person.  More so! Cities never hurt your feelings.  Well, only sometimes. Like when the Red line takes 92098 hours or you can't find a public bathroom.

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World cup and roller coasters and the most bleached hair.  Also, Austrian embassy event.
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June was so June-y last year.

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