The Happy Day Account in Which I Overuse Dashes

This winter has been so bone-crackling cold.  In the teen degrees.  Whiny, bratty teen degrees. Bone-crackling cold like that just sucks all the life out of me and then Seasonal Affective Disorder (self-diagnosed but REAL. The acronym is literally SAD) builds a cubicle on top of my suppressed, suffocating dreams and will to live.  Just sets up office right on top.   Camps out until mid-March comes around when SAD reluctantly unpins the photos from the cubicle corkboard and packs up shop, vowing to return the next January.

This winter has been no different.  Aggravated, even.

But today.  Monday, March 2nd. Today was 42 degrees and it seemed downright balmy.  I walked to the metro in the morning -- late, because work had been delayed for snow -- and I actually removed my coat because I was overheating.  On a snow delay day, of all days.   The irony.

Hours later I walked out of work and I felt so alive in the most cliché, trite way.  Look-at-the-dew-on-this-flower-petal-isn't-life-so-fragile-and-exquisite,  am-I-on-drugs-or-did-I-just-have-a-really-good-workout kind of endorphins.  Endorphins my brain had been depriving me of for months. So I did what I had tried to minimize for months and started to walk.

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My feet carried me from Rosslyn over the bridge to Georgetown.  At this point I had no direction and was just following my feet. I was pleasantly surprised when they walked me to the hole-in-the-wall students frequent.and bought two of their best: Oreo-chocolate-chip cookies. Those cookies deserve their own post so I'm not even going to get into it with you right now.

It may have been warm, but the sidewalks were thoroughly iced over.  Inches of slickness layered over unevenly-laid brick.   My endorphins didn't care.  My endorphins made me invincible.

I Bambi-walked my way through Georgetown. Through the West End, through Dupont and Logan Circle.  I essentially ice-skated all 4.2 miles home from work, alternating jamming to my February playlist (here) and wielding phone calls from my grandma and best redheaded bff.

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Here's to the rest of 2015 unfolding like today.

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